About us

My name is Kathy Stokes Hudson. When I was younger (very young lol) I sewed for the public and designed my own yokes for western shirts...even made some matching to go on the leg of pants. Then I went to Cosmetology school and was a stylist/nail tech for over 20 years. My interest in genealogy directed me to not only researching but also designing my own products (which you will find at www.GenealogyShoppe.com) and going across the United States to genealogy seminars. Unfortunate circumstances caused me not to be able to travel across the country. My interest grew back to sewing. OH MY what all is new in this field compared to the machine I started with when I was young. My interest and knowledge has grown with all the new technology that is available. I don't know that I will ever get thru all the designs I have as they keep coming out with new ones to tempt me. I do hope you like the designs. If you don't find something you would like, contact me. 

Kathy Stokes Hudson
